New Chiller Plant and HVAC Upgrades

New Chiller Plant and HVAC Upgrades
Peachtree Mechanical Inc. was contracted under a firm fixed price to construct a brand-new chiller plant (ground up) and expand the utilities of the chilled water process for this facility. The selection process was based on past performance and the owners’ overall confidence in Peachtree Mechanical to perform the project on time and under budget. We competed against local contractors and were found to be the most responsive and therefore source selected. The project required Peachtree Mechanical to design and build a new chiller plant with 3000 tons chilled water to improve the energy efficiency of the facility and overall quality and conditions. This design included the following scope and features: new Chiller plant complete with steel, metal building, metal roofing systems, down spouts, slab saw cutting and new drain systems, Mag Bearing chillers, chilled water, and condenser water pumps, structural steel supports, concrete footers, concrete slabs, structural super structure for exterior piping, new Cooling towers, side line filtration, 4000 feet of chilled water mains, 1000 feet condenser water piping mains, domestic water systems, refrigerant exhaust systems, and total 240,000 CFM of air handlers, electrical distribution, electrical lighting, emergency systems and fire protection systems.Due to the critical nature of production at the facility, operations had to remain intact during the project. Peachtree closely coordinated the shutdown of the old existing chiller plant and made positive provisions and clear planning to start up the new chiller plant without any down time in the facility. This project was successfully completed ahead of the original schedule by 45 days.