Building 1,4, 34, & 35 Major HVAC & Electrical Upgrades

Building 1,4, 34, & 35 Major HVAC & Electrical Upgrades
Peachtree Mechanical was selected to perform this project due to the critical environment,past experience and coordination abilities. This project required the need for Building 35 tobe completely renovated and abated. While construction activities were going on the activelaboratory located inside building 35 would remain in operation. This project required therelocation of USDA staff and researchers to a temporary facility located on the compoundadjacent to building 35. The project included extensive weekly planning, critical pathscheduling and coordination with the facility manager and researchers. PeachtreeMechanical provided temporary measures for critical environment BSL-3AG/BSL2AGlaboratory with exhaust manifold systems to remain active and remain in operation whiletaking down the buildings HVAC infrastructure. Peachtree Mechanical Installed a new chilledwater central plant, installed new cooling towers, exhaust manifold systems, vav terminals,HEPA filter banks with auto scan capabilities located on the roof. Peachtree Mechanical hadto erect a superstructure above building 35 to house the new filter banks. Controls andmonitoring were added and required the Installation of new Phoenix lab controls andupgraded the buildings DDC system and operations management system. The project alsorequired the need for 2 new Bio Safety Hoods and certifications for the existing laboratory.The project when completed was commissioned to the ARS guidelines for research andcertification.